Funeral Planning
The staggering figure for people arranging a funeral for a loved one with no clear idea of their final wishes was recently confirmed at 99%, which for ensuring that your final choices or wishes on this earth are carried out is astonishing. Beaulieu Wills and Estate Planning can assist you with these issues, swiftly and efficiently.
The benefit of prearranging your funeral via a prep paid Funeral Plan is not only that your family will have one less thing to worry about, but that the majority of the costs involved in sorting a Funeral will already have been paid.
BWEP are pleased to be able to introduce you to Drew and Son Funeral Directors ( Funeral Directors Essex | Drew & Son Funerals ( . This is what they say:
“A funeral plan is an easy way to arrange the funeral you want in advance. A plan with Drew and Son Family Funeral Directors allows you to specify your wishes and pay for the funeral services at today’s prices. As our customers often tell us, that can bring peace of mind to you and your family.
When planning a funeral, it’s important that you understand your options and take your time to make key decisions. At Drew and Son, we will work with you to take away the stress of planning a funeral, helping you to make sure you or your loved one’s send-off is a personal and unique celebration of life.”
If you’d like more information, please either visit their website, or call them on: 01992 676181